Dear Friends and Family,
* Negotiations for Land for Micah 2.0
This week, we have a meeting with the people who own the plot of land by the Villa Linda Miller that we want to buy for Micah 2.0. Please be praying for this meeting and that this stage of the process would be smooth and quick. Also, please be praying for the lawyers as they sort out the various titles and paperwork that we need in order to move forward.
*Axel Lopez
Axel has continued to settle back down into a normal routine in Micah. However, his forward progress was checked this past week by a conflict that ended with him being sent home for the weekend. Now that he is back with us after the weekend at home, please be praying for him. Pray that he is able to learn and grow and continue to work hard at thriving in Micah.
* Jenna and Megan
Jenna and Megan have made the decision to help out Axelito's family by taking in his younger sister and cousin and giving them a home for a few months until they have the chance to apply for admission to a new group home for girls. Please be praying for Jenna and Megan as they seek to balance their desire to help these girls with their responsibilities and duties with the Micah Project. Also please pray for calmness and peace within their household as these two girls are coming from a very poor, disorganized home and are having to learn what it means to live in a more "normal" home.
* Jobs for the young men from the Timothy House
Hector Licona and Jarvin are currently looking for jobs here in Tegucigalpa, but have not met with much success so far. Please be praying for these young men, as it is exceedingly difficult to find steady work here. Also, please be praying for Juan Carlos Ortiz as he was recently downsized from his job at the Tegu Toys factory and has had little success in finding a new job.
* For Safety
Three members of the Micah staff were mugged in two separate incidents within the past three days while walking between their apartments and Micah. While no one was hurt, each time that someone is mugged, it takes away part of our peace of mind, not to mention that there is always the possbility that something will go wrong and someone will be injured. Please be praying for safety for us and for wisdom as we revise how we move about in our neighborhood.
* And, let us PRAISE!!!!!
- For Daniel Benitez. Daniel has continued to flourish and grow during his internship in England. Praise the Lord for giving Daniel such an amazing chance and for working in his life through it!
- For Danilo's new job. Danilo recently was hired by Proyecto Manuelito (another street kid organization here in Teigucigalpa) to run a new group home that they are opening. Praise the Lord for giving Danilo this wonderful job!!
We are happy to see the Lord working in the lives of the Micah guys and in our own hearts as well this week. We want to thank all of you for your prayers for this past week and for all the prayers that we know that you will offer up on our behalf over the course of this next week. Thank you all very much and God Bless!!
David Hawthorne (on behalf of the Micah Project)