*Wednesday evening the Rotary Club of Tegucigalpa will be meeting and The Micah Project will be the main focus. Brian Wiggs will be presenting The Micah Project to this group of upper class business people, many of whom have probably never interacted with street kids before. Several of the older graduates will be there as well. Pray that the Holy Spirit may speak through Brian and that more people may become aware of The Micah Project and what we are all about.

*Danilo was recently diagnosed with Dengue Fever. He has had to go to the hospital a few times for IVs. He has a fever, muscle and joint pain, and feels very tired. Pray that he may recover quickly and return to his job with Proyecto Manuelito.
*Maycol Meza has been back in Tegucigalpa for a few weeks now. Last Monday he started university and is taking 3 classes. So far he seems to really enjoy it. Pray that his transition back and into the Timothy House would continue to go smoothly, that he would do well in his classes, and that he would continue to apply all that he learned in Guatemala to his life here.
*Hauner is feeling a lot better! He is back to his normal funny, goofy self.
*Despite past conflicts and struggles Axel Lopez continues to move forward in the right direction. He has had a better attitude and has been more focused in classes.
*During our Sunday night meeting we were able to skype with Brayan Chavez, who is in Costa Rica. The little guys (or "Los Pequeños Gigantes" as they call themselves) loved being able to "see" him and chat with him for awhile. It was a great encouragement to all to hear from him. He has made some new friends and is enjoying life with YWAM in CR.
We thank the Lord for the precious lives that he has given us and the work that he has called us to do. Even when the going gets tough we know that He is right there beside us, every step of the way.